Donors and Contributors
- Spirit Mountain Community Fund
- The Roundhouse Foundation
- The Bonneville Power Administration
- The Kinsman Foundation
- The Regional Arts & Culture Council
- The Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation
- The National Endowment for the Arts
- Tamastslikt Cultural Institute
- Wildhorse Resort and Casino
- The Portland Center for the Performing Arts
- George Morlan Plumbing
- The Collins Foundation
- The PGE Foundation
- The Irwin Foundation
- Smith Barney
- The Campbell Group
- The Dorothea M. Lensch Memorial Foundation
- The King-Guffey Foundation
Why Support Ghosts of Celilo?
The Ghosts of Celilo is a project of Jane - A Theater Company and provides a wonderful opportunity for Native American youth to experience musical theatre arts by participating in a professional play - a rare opportunity in Native American communities. These children learn acting, singing, and dancing skills. Performing for a live audience builds confidence, self-esteem, and provides insight into what it takes to create art at the highest level. These children have opportunities to meet new people, make friends, and work as a team to accomplish common goals. The Ghosts of Celilo also serves these children (and adults) who are in the audience. Ghosts tells a story about children that presents Northwest history, Columbia River Indian culture, and examines viewpoints surrounding natural resources. Another purpose of Ghosts is to serve its audience by bringing to light children’s issues as they apply to diversity, racism, and self esteem resulting in an emotional theater experience that causes audiences to see the world in a different way - the crux of JANE’s mission.

Melanie Kubik teaches a song and dance to (l to r) Manny Totus, 11; Leon Totus,
9; Ronnie Sampson, 9; and Ian Sampson, 15.
In the spring of 2007, a series of workshops were taught at the
Tamastslikt Cultural Institute on the Umatilla Reservation.
Ghosts is supported through the generosity of individual donors and foundation grants.
To make a tax-deductible contribution to Ghosts, or to find out what your contribution will be supporting within the project, contact Marv Ross at

Marv receiving a $25,000 grant from The Spirit Mountain Community Fund, of The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde.